Our Products
Rugged Mobile Computers for Tough Environments
These include both Handhelds (Phablets) and Tablets. They come in either windows or android operating systems and some have Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Capabilities.
Algiz 8X
Portable and Powerful Field Computing

Algiz 10X
Extreme Field Performance

Algiz RT8
Ultra-rugged Efficiency

Algiz RT10
Field-Tough Mobility

Algiz RT10 RTK
High Precision Field Mobility

Nautiz X2
Rugged Mobility Optimized

Nautiz X6
The ultra-rugged Android phablet

Nautiz X8
Leading the Way

Nautiz X9
The ultimate outdoor-rugged PDA

Nautiz X41
Second to none

Nautiz X81
Built to Last

Satellite Imagery

Product and Supply Constellation
High-Resolution Archive
50-80 cm, 4-band Optical Satellite Imagery
Pleiades 1A, 1B
Kompsat 2, 3, 3A
High-Resolution Tasking
50-80 cm, 4-band Optical Satellite Imagery
Kompsat 3, 3A
Medium Resolution Archive
1.5-5 m, 4-band Optical Satellite Imagery
PlanetScope* and Spot 6, 7
Low-Resolution Archive (Free)
10-30 m, Multispectral Optical, and SAR Imagery
Sentinel 1, 2